The series begins when eight young girls meet. Each one has her life, a problem and something to tell. The eight girls go to the plane. They take a plane to be sent to a girls’ camp. On the way, the plane breaks down and falls into the water. Finally, they appear on...
What would you do if one day in the boring life you woke up and discovered that you were the son of Poseidon? Crazy, right? That is exactly the plot of the book that I am gonna tell you about. I must tell you about Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. It is a fiction...
A small light, is a series of Disney Plus. It’s about Miep Gies, she and her husband who helped the Frank family, the Vals Pels family and Fritz Pfedder, to hide from the Nazis during the Second World War. They did not only helped them, but they helped...
The film Mamma Mia! It is a simple story that is perfectly integrated with the songs of the group ABBA. In addition, to make the fact that the actors stop talking and express themselves by singing in a more natural way, Meryl Streep's character and her friends formed...
This series became my favorite because of the crazy story it has. In some episodes I was surprised, as it did not happen what I had expected, and for me those are the small details that make a series entertaining. The idea and context are unique, at first the plot was...
Libros de texto 2023/24
Listado en PDF con la información de los libros de texto a recomendados o solicitados para el alumnado para el próximo curso 2023/24
Ciclos formativos de la rama de Transporte y Mantenimiento de Vehículos
¿Quieres estudiar una profesión de futuro? En nuestro centro tenemos más de 50 años de experiencia en el sector de la Formación Profesional. Aprende con nosotros una profesión de futuro de la rama de Transporte y el Mantenimiento de Vehículos. ¡Te esperamos!
Nuevo CFGM de Técnico en Electromecánica de Maquinaria
Desde el departamento de Transporte y Mantenimiento de Vehículos, trabajamos para mejorar nuestro equipamiento e instalaciones. El grupo de profesores que lo forman, tienen claro, que la mejor manera de que los futuros profesionales que escoge el IES Emilio Canalejo...
Debate entre el alumnado de 1º de la ESO
Dentro del programa Escuela Espacio de Paz de nuestro centro, el pasado viernes durante el recreo tuvo lugar un debate entre alumnos de 1º ESO: Irene Aguilar, Lola Alférez, Sara Herencia, Julia Luque, Leire Alférez, Adam Asfour, Elena Corpas y MIguel Ángel Portillo....