The series begins when eight young girls meet. Each one has her life, a problem and something to tell. The eight girls go to the plane. They take a plane to be sent to a girls’ camp. On the way, the plane breaks down and falls into the water. Finally, they appear on an island where they must survive. The island is watched by people who are putting obstacles for them to learn what life really is. Throughout the series we can see how the scenes are mixed with the past and present of the girls.

This series stands out in that there isn’t only one lead role, there are eight and they are important, but there is one that grabbed my attention the most. It´s a girl named Martha, she is a young woman with a strong personality and when she arrived at the island all her thoughts were negative. Martha has had a very difficult life, growing up without her mother, but throughout the series, she begins to feel loved by her classmates.

I recommend watching this series and especially to people who like action since the plot is based on adventure.

Luna Jiménez Raigón (2º Bachillerato A)