We have all heard of her some time, we may even have had her in our hands. When I discovered that a new film of this famous doll was going to come to light, I imagined many things but never what ended up being in reality the film that I had the opportunity to see on...


“Grey’s Anatomy” is a well-known medical drama series that has captivated audiences worldwide since it was released in 2005. Set in the fictional Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, in Seattle, the show revolves around the personal and professional lives of its...


Rating: ★★★★★ «Normal People» is a novel written by the Irish writer Sally Rooney. It goes deeply into human relationships and how complex they can be, focusing on two characters Connell and Marianne. The story takes place in a small Irish town and also in Dublin. It...


El lunes 2 de octubre ha tenido lugar en nuestro centro una sesión de sensibilización contra la trata de blancas, dentro de la Campaña #lLaTrataEsViolación, de la mano de la Diputación de Córdoba y el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Montilla. Con esta actividad se ha querido...